For Our Visitors

If you are new to the area or new to BPC, we want you to feel at home with us. 

Regular Sunday Schedule

9:00 am   Small Group Bible Study and Sunday School
9:40 am   Fellowship and Coffee in the Rec Room
10:00 am   Worship In-Person, Radio, and Online
Online: Live Streaming on BPC YouTube Channel
Radio: WBLE, 100.5-FM (New Sound of Country)

A staffed nursery is available for infants and toddlers up to two years of age during Sunday School and Worship services.

Wee Worship is available for children Preschool through First Grade following "A Time for Young Disciples" during the 10:00 worship service.

Worship Services

Our 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning service is an hour long, traditional format. The Word of God is preached with passion and relevancy.

The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper are regularly celebrated during our 10:00 a.m. service. Our morning worship seeks to reverently glorify God, while joyfully expressing being part of the family of God. Our music normally includes congregation hymns and participation of the Sanctuary Choir with occasional appearances from our Presbyterian Kids Fellowship Choir and Presbyterian Pickers.

The regular and special worship services are dynamic as the powerful presence of Jesus Christ is evident.

Painting by Leslie Gray

Nursery and Wee Worship

We love children at Batesville Presbyterian Church. Children may accompany their parents to worship services in the Sanctuary. They may stay in the nursery or participate in Wee Worship.

Nursery care is provided for children up to two years of age.

Wee Worship serves children from age two until they enter elementary school and it is offered following "A Time for Young Disciples" during the 10:00 worship service.

Joining Batesville Presbyterian Church

Becoming a part of a church is a natural step for people who have committed themselves to follow Jesus as Savior and Lord. Christians need to belong to a community of believers for encouragement, and growth, and service in their life of faith.

You May Request Membership in Our Church:

By Letter of Transfer: We will receive anyone into our membership who is in good and regular standing in any Christian church by Letter of Transfer. Persons wishing to unite by this means will meet with the session.

By Reaffirmation of Faith—Members of denominations that do not grant letters to churches outside their own communion, are asked to reaffirm in the presence of the Session, their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and their desire to be a faithful disciple in Christ’s Church.

By Profession of Faith—We also welcome into our fellowship anyone who is willing to acknowledge Jesus Christ as his/her personal Savior and Lord; who believes in God who has revealed Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; who promises through Bible study, prayer, participation in the Lord’s Supper, worship, and the fellowship of believers to endeavor to grow in his/her faith and who will promise to support the church in its worship and work to the best of his/her ability.

Each person joining by Profession of Faith who has not previously been baptized, will be baptized in connection with a regular Sunday worship service. In the Presbyterian Church, it is the responsibility of the Session (the Pastor and Elders) to receive new members. Questions will be asked concerning one’s profession of faith. These questions have to do with the present faith and future purpose of the new members as they unite with Batesville Presbyterian Church as their faith family. New members will be introduced to the congregation at a subsequent worship service.


From I-55 North or South: Take I-55 to Batesville/Hwy. 6 West exit. Proceed through 4 traffic signals to fifth signal at Eureka Street (First Security Bank on right). Veer right onto Eureka. Turn right again onto Church Street and then take an immediate right into the church parking lot.

From Oxford and Points East: Take Hwy. 6 West to Batesville. Proceed through 4 traffic signals to fifth signal at Eureka Street Street (First Security Bank on right). Veer right onto Eureka. Turn right again onto Church Street and then take an immediate right into the church parking lot.

From Clarksdale and Points West: Take Hwy. 6 East to Batesville. Turn left onto Eureka Street at first traffic light (First Security Bank on right). Veer right onto Eureka. Turn right again onto Church Street and then take an immediate right into the church parking lot.

Church office hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 -12:00 a.m. and 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. The church is normally closed from 12 noon until 1:00 p.m.

Call (662) 563-3001 to talk to the church's administrative assistant or our pastor.